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Showing posts from 2020

My Fallen Hero

When at uni l created a short film relating to this, called it ‘My fallen hero’ this still feels as relevant as when l created it then.

new work

Started a mood canvas 

Time passes

l have dyslexia please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes ! 18/03/2020 Sitting in my favourite  coffee shop Blue and Berry in Felixstowe , such a lovely place for me to write my blog, been thinking how to  document my chain of thoughts that don’t come across rambling but love the idea l am having a conversation with someone , you jump from different subjects. Think this maybe why l call my abstract art ‘Shadows’ its how l feel about dad, shadows of memories of time with him, although he was not an absent farther like my daughters dad, he was emotionally absent in my life. The unintentional connection with chairs l have found within my practice, why l am drawn to them, l have spent my whole life sitting on chairs either for an appointment at hospital or sitting out of something l could not do because my stump was hurting or maybe because l was deemed unable to do whatever sport or activity was on at time. Remember mum saying ‘go look down the sides of dads ch...